Wednesday, July 19, 2017

3D Print Heart Gives Us A New Direction Of Transplant_Olearn Tech.

The Swiss researcher print a soft heart by 3D print 
technology which is highly similar to the true one 
on shape、size and function. Though this man made he-
art is still on testing and can’t be applied in tr-
ansplant,it provides a new idea about solve related 
3D Print heart.jpg
This human made heart is made from soft silica gel, 
with help of 3D printing and investment casting tec-
hnology. Weight 390g and 679 cubic CM.

The construct of this man made heart is a complex
 silica gel, include a ventriculus dexter and ventr-
iculus sinister and an extra room to separate two 
ventricles, this room plays like muscle to drive the 
blood in and out heart.

At present, the man-made blood pump can dive our bl-
ood,but the mechanical parts can blight us as well. 
The researcher said: “ they want to make a similar 
heart exact as ours. “  

This 3D print heart is on testing and due to the limi
-ted of raw material, this heart can only beat 3000 
times, in other word, it can continue working only 
30~45 minutes. We still need to find a much better 
material to solve the problem of tensile strength and 
functions, but this new direction is great.  

Thursday, July 13, 2017

3D Print Grus Japonensis's Beak

A Grus japonensis broke his beak when fighting with 
another one, It made him really hard to eat food for
the past a few years. Yesterday, the zoo stuffs are 
planning to repair his wound with a 3D printing tita-
nium alloy beak.

During the operation, the veterinarian put a plastic
tube on this Grus japonensis’ beak and let him bre
athe anesthetic agents according to his weight. This 
new titanium alloy beak is custom made base on its 
The first one is made from resin, but as we know,the 
Grus japonensis is ferocity, the veterinarian replace
with titanium alloy finally. As we know titanium alloy 
is hard and stable. 
This Grus japonensis back to the zoo and recover the same
day after operation and along with fishing function. 
Needless to say, the 3D printer technology plays a ma-
jor role, The mass production artificial limb can’t fit 
very well for different features of animal, but custom 
3D print is specify for unique body, really good work. 

Olearn 18x25mm Nylon Cable Carriers 1000mm Length

Olearn 18x25mm Nylon Cable Carriers 1000mm Length This cable carrier is brige type energy chain, un-openable with ectangular cross section, ...