Thursday, August 22, 2019

Olearn Infrared Thermometer

If you guy have been tinkering around with electronics, robotics, 3D printers, that sort of thing, and you want to make sure you could keep an eye on the temperatures in various components. Something like dont want to set your motherboard on fire with a bad overclock! This thermometer does the job well enough,(you can get it from Olearn infrared Thermometer)and its measurements are mostly internally consistent. It's increadibly easy to use, it has a very bright targeting beam, and the read-out supports both Celsius and Fahrenheit with the press of a button.

The only complaint is that the thermometer might not be very very accurate like body thermometer, and it tends to report a few degrees lower than we think obeject actually are. For example, the 3D printer has sensors that measure the temperature of both the nozzles and the heated bed. When the nozzle thinks it's at 200°C, this thermometer might display anywhere from196°C~200°C. When the bed thinks it's at 60°C, the thermometer has read anywhere from 54°C~60°C.

But that is a consequence of infrared thermometers generally, or it's attributable to user error. Like above information, the range is relatively narrow and pretty consistent, so even though it looks like it's afew degree low, the thermometer still works well for your purposes. If you need accuracy down to a tenth of a degree, look elesewhere to be frankly, but if you're just keeping an eye to make sure you don't burn your house down, this one works great.

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